Discover the science, technology, and innovation ecosystems co-financed by FONTAGRO
Prevention and management of Fusarium in Musaceae in LAC.
This project focuses on strengthening capacities to prevent and manage Fusarium in bananas, through the standardization of diagnostic methods, biosafety practices, biological control and material resistance evaluation.
Digitalization of small-scale agriculture.
With the goal of maximizing production, improving food quality, and optimizing water use in agriculture, an efficient and cost-effective technological solution was developed to measure soil moisture in small farmers’ plots.
Sustainable control of the HLB vector in family citrus farming.
The project adapts Integrated Pest Management (IPM) technology, promoting monitoring of the vector and its natural enemies.
Increased Agricultural Production with Reduced Nitrous Oxide Emissions.
This project aims to develop inoculants that reduce greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions and increase nitrogen fixation in the soil.
Geographical indications for Mesoamerican cocoa.
This project seeks to establish quality determinants and develop territorial valorization strategies for the differentiation of fine and aromatic cocoa through the promotion of geographical indications.
The GAP Report was launched with a special section on Latin America and the Caribbean.
FONTAGRO participated in the launch of “Every Farmer Every Tool”, a publication that describes the evolution of Total Factor Productivity (TFP) worldwide. This year, the report from the Global Agricultural Productivity (GAP Initiative) includes a special section on Latin America and the Caribbean, thanks to the collaboration between IICA and FONTAGRO.
FONTAGRO participated in the Conference of Ministers of Agriculture of the Americas 2023 – XXII Meeting of the Inter-American Board of Agriculture (IABA) organized by IICA.
FONTAGRO was present at the conference, which brought together Agriculture Ministers from 34 countries at the headquarters of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) in San Jose, Costa Rica. The purpose of the event was to discuss crucial agricultural issues in the region and promote collaboration among regional agricultural coordination bodies in the Americas.
The 2nd Edition of Open Gates Week was held – Network of MDA Experimental Farms.
During the event, researchers from the project Legumes in Livestock Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean gave a talk about the research lines of the initiative co-financed by FONTAGRO, the Ministry for Primary Industries of New Zealand, the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (GRA), and the Cooperative Program for the Technological and Agroindustrial Development of the Southern Cone (PROCISUR). The project aims to study the incorporation of legumes into the livestock system to increase productivity and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The webinar “Contributions to the development of a common protocol for monitoring organic carbon changes in soils in Latin America and the Caribbean” took place.
FONTAGRO congratulates the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) on 81 years of institutional life.
Researchers from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Panama, and Venezuela participated in the “6th International Rice Conference” held in Manila, the Philippines, where they shared their research on climate-smart rice development. The conference is organized by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI).
Experts in Foc TR4 met at the Tibaitatá Research Center as part of FONTAGRO projects.
With the participation of researchers from FONTAGRO, CIRAD, and IICA.
Expert researchers from FONTAGRO, CIRAD, and IICA met at the Tibaitatá Research Center of AGROSAVIA to present the results of the FONTAGRO project on the Prevention and Management of Fusarium Wilt in Musaceae, which involves 10 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Together with Argentina’s INTA, Bolivian producers and technicians conducted a technical visit to learn about bovine productivity.
As part of the project Bovine Productivity in the South American Chaco region, a technical tour was conducted in Argentina for producers from the National Institute of Agricultural and Forestry Innovation (INIAF) of Bolivia and the Federation of Livestock Producers of Santa Cruz (FEGASACRUZ), also of Bolivia. They had the opportunity to visit pilot sites where silvopastoral management technologies are adapted and demonstrated.
Descriptive manual of the strategies adopted for the productive and reproductive management of herds in the demonstration fields.
Operational manual of application’s Pro version.
You can download the app “AhoRa” on Google Play now.
Integration of Baseline with Geospatial Data and proposal for a Climate Change Vulnerability Index for Family Fruit Production Systems in Chile and Costa Rica.
Validation of the Early Warning System for Late Blight Management in Potatoes. Cerro Punta, Tierras Altas, Panama.
Copyright 2023 – Inter American Development Bank / All rights reserved.
FONTAGRO was created 1998 with the purpose of promoting the increase of the competitiveness of the agri-food sector, ensuring the sustainable management of natural resources and the reduction of poverty in the region. The objective of FONTAGRO is to establish itself as a sustainable financing mechanism for the development of agricultural technology and innovation in Latin America and the Caribbean and Spain, and to establish a forum for the discussion of priority topics of technological innovation. The member countries are: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Spain, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela. In the last 27 years 204 regional agricultural innovation platforms have been co-financed for an amount of US $ 150.7 million, which has reached 531 institutions and 35 countries worldwide.